The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #122186   Message #2677531
Posted By: Emma B
11-Jul-09 - 12:54 PM
Thread Name: BS: Race hatred on line - test case
Subject: RE: BS: Race hatred on line - test case
and on White Pride World Wide.....


Los Angeles, California--(9/29/2008)--

Two fugitive British writers jailed in southern California have hired an American lawyer to make their claim for political asylum in the United States, says Paul Ballard, coordinator of a legal defense fund for the pair known as the "Heretical Two."

Bruce Leichty, a San Diego County immigration lawyer with 20 years of experience representing asylum-seekers in California, has met with the "Heretical Two" and has agreed to take their cases, Ballard and Leichty announced today.

Said Leichty, "This is an vitally important Internet free speech case, where an obsessive security apparatus runs amok and punishes dissidents by making them criminals, and one does not have to share the views of the Heretical Two to appreciate the threat."

The label "Heretical Two" was applied to Simon Sheppard, 51, and Stephen Whittle, 42, when they were undergoing criminal trials in Leeds Crown Court in Britain on several speech-related charges.Sheppard created and administered and Whittle wrote under a pseudonym for a website--hosted by a server in California

"There are people who want to criminalize `hate speech' in the U.S., too," noted Leichty. "But as officers of the court we must remind people that even speech perceived as hateful deserves protection. One man's hate may be another man's passion or critique, or even another man's creed."

Leichty is best known previously for representing Ernst Zundel, an internationally known Holocaust revisionist