The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #120986   Message #2677755
Posted By: Peace
11-Jul-09 - 05:09 PM
Thread Name: BS: BNP: What would you do?
Subject: RE: BS: BNP: What would you do?

"Gervaise Webb, sorry if i've misspelt your name, icant seem to flick backwards and forwards on these pages yet.
I do believe George will be around in August, please sit down with her and ask the questions personally. I for one would be interested. I have very little politics myself, but I do realise that the BNP is a hated organisation ( yes I do understand why)even though their modern political statements seem a lot gentler than the old ones. I wouldn't think of the right questions to ask.
I spend a lot of time in a wheelchair and so far she has not tried to push me off the pier."

It's good that George has a friend like you. However, as for 'stalking'--the BNP does that shit. You OK with that, sue? You OK with the fact that George stood for election? You OK with the policies of the BNP?

"The British National Party are not just racist- they are every 'ist' under the sun. Unfortunately, they've recently been given the opportunity to share their unbelievably terrible views with the European Parliament.

A couple of DisAbled people, who wish to be known only as Harry Thomas and Cerebral Person, were horrified, terrified and disgusted when they discovered that, in response to the death of Ivan Cameron, son of David Cameron, leader of the Conservative Party, senior BNP member Jeffery Marshall claimed in an internet forum discussion: "We live in a country today which is unhealthily dominated by an excess of sentimentality towards the weak and unproductive. No good will come of it."

Later, in response to comments made by others on the site, Marshall is alleged to have written: "There is not a great deal of point in keeping these people alive after all."

He said that the comments were taken out of context. However, we choose not to believe him. We feel we have good reasons to be against the BNP.

So, we have set up a brand new blog called DisAbled People Against The BNP.

This blog was born out of frustration. We hope to use it to prove to a certain politician that we are not at all unproductive!

We have big plans for this blog, so watch this space! Whether you are DisAbled, like both of us, or you simply agree that attitudes like Jeffery Marshall's are unacceptable, we welcome your support and are both very grateful for it.

Cerebral Person can be reached on"

Think about it.