The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #122207   Message #2677950
Posted By: Little Hawk
11-Jul-09 - 10:48 PM
Thread Name: BS: The Sick Truth behind 'SICKO'
Subject: RE: BS: The Sick Truth behind 'SICKO'
Only people who are grossly ignorant of what a socialized national health system really is are against it. If they are that ignorant, it's because they're being kept that way by rich lobbyists for private industry in the USA...and by the politicians who roll over and play dead for those rich lobbyists. works this way: EVERYBODY pays into it through their taxes, right? Same as paying for schools or roads or the police force and fire department. Now, since everyone pays, we all only pay a little, because only a few people get really ill at any given time, so many small payments from the entire populace will cover it.

That means that if YOU or someone you love gets really won't be financially devastated by it. It's like car insurance. Everyone pays, but only a few people suffer accidents in any given an accident claim against one driver for $50,000 gets covered by him AND thousands of other drivers who didn't have an accident that year, and everybody pays a small amount...and everybody can cope with that...and they know they're protected if something happens.

That's just common sense, because ordinary people cannot afford to pay either a huge auto accident claim or a huge medical bill...and it's asinine to have a system in place which forces them to.

If you're for total selfishness, greed, and irresponsibility in your society...and you like seeing ordinary people blindsided by an unexpected illness and ruined...and you're too selfish to care...then I guess you're against a socialized national health care plan like we have in Canada and the UK and Australia and western Europe. And if're living in the Dark Ages when it comes to health care. Not giving a damn about anyone but yourself is nothing to be proud of and it's NOT what the USA was supposed to be founded upon.