The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #23852   Message #267853
Posted By: InOBU
30-Jul-00 - 10:30 AM
Thread Name: BS: Grit your teeth, the PIRA boys are out
Subject: RE: BS: Grit your teeth, the PIRA boys are out
Hi Lena, there is a film - Hidden Agenda, which had as a sourse a fellow I met in law school, Halroyd, a defector from MI 6, My wife and I seeing the film looked at each other, as we had had the same conversation about MI 6 involvement in loyalist death squads with Mr. Halroyd about a year before we saw the film and sure enough, he was in the credits as an advisor. The film is still banned in England, though it won the Cannes Film Festival, as England's entry - but perhaps someone with better HTML skills than I can direct you to the posts about Ireland, including the one about Joe Doherty, in which I and some others who lived and worked in the northern counties of Ireland wrote about the real politic of England's involvement. In a nut shell, Ireland is (possible was) non-alined to NATO, and as such, in order to keep the potential to guard the Scapa Flow from Russian ships - or more concicely to monitor Soviet ships passing through the Scappa Flow, England sponsored sectarian violence in the face of attempts by the communities to come to gether several times in the recent past. - Larry