The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #23806   Message #267861
Posted By: Midchuck
30-Jul-00 - 10:39 AM
Thread Name: Help: performance microphone...
Subject: RE: Help: performance microphone...
I concurr with the general opinion that the SM-58 is the "default" stage vocal mike. In spite of what others have said, it works pretty well for my wife's voice as well as mine (and bigchuck's). Of course, my wife's voice is so low she can't reach most bluegrass tenor parts...

We've been expirimenting with a "two-mic" setup for the trio, using an AKG 3000 for all the vocals and the fiddle, above a 1000 for the guitars/mandolins/etc. The jury is still out, but it looks like we'll go with it for smaller, indoor, venues.
