The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #118151   Message #2678647
Posted By: Rowan
12-Jul-09 - 07:23 PM
Thread Name: What gender is your instrument?
Subject: RE: What gender is your instrument?
Despite Peter Bellamy's famous genderisation of guitars as female (general shape and actions required for playing) and Anglo concertinas as male (he did a demonstration of huffing and puffing and watching its behaviour with his left hand removed and a slow leak though the air button), my Anglo has always been "the leather ferret", with no gender implied.

Unimaginative perhaps, but when I worked as a botanist with Canberra's Botanic Gardens, I had access to a Hillman Minx with NSW registration plates (and thus yellow in colour) "CUP 300"; it was variously known as Buttercup and Ranunculus. Later on I acquired a 1954 Morris Minor panel van that had previously been used as a delivery van by a bakery. The last vehicle made that could be taken apart and reassembled with a bicycle spanner, it revelled for some years under the name "Breadbin".

Cheers, Rowan