The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #121633   Message #2679018
Posted By: GUEST,G rouse, all the Moor
13-Jul-09 - 08:38 AM
Thread Name: BS: Free The Upper Stoke One
Subject: RE: BS: Free The Upper Stoke One
Shame, I fancy having a nice big black cock myself,me being a game bird. Cotswold dancing pheasants, what more hanky waving woffters!!Nothing like strapping wood to your feet and having a good bang on a dead goat to get the rythem going, keep it up for hours meself the ranting. But now not only is Ginge charged wrongfully there's Dead Horse keeping a Puffin hostage and torturing him. If you see any Dead Horses please, please hit them hard in the bells while shouting Free the Puffin loudly in protest.A good hunting ground should be Whitstable this weekend This cannot go on Birds of the world unite!! .