The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #121004   Message #2679717
Posted By: theleveller
14-Jul-09 - 04:03 AM
Thread Name: bubblyrat @ Buckingham Palace
Subject: RE: bubblyrat @ Buckingham Palace
"imagine his reaction to all these nice things that his father,etc,did not risk life and limb for !! But that's another story ! "

Ah, so you know that for a fact do you? Please elaborate - or is it just more verbal garbage from an inveterate and ignorant liar.What a total coward you are - making, yet again, unfounded allegations about people whose history you know nothing about. But that's typical of your blustering bombastic type who make up lies and spout them from a distance; all gob and no guts.

What bubblyrat seems incapable of understanding is that, by posting a topic on a discussion board he is inviting comment. If that comment does meet with his approval - tough. As he himself says, "if you can't stand the heat...."

What he also fails to understand is that there are many people, of all political persuasions, who regard the sort of junket he attended as a grotesque waste of tax-payers' money, especially when added to the obscene amounts of money that the degenerate, disfunctional , arrogant and unaccountable Windsor family is costing us – an amount that is increasing at a time when many people are suffering grave financial hardship. It is an amount that is far greater than the figure of 69p a head put out by the Windsor's vast PR machine.This is before we get onto the subject of the other obscenity of inherited privilege and its perpetuation of a discredited and unwanted social structure . As the Leader in the latest issue of New Statesman says: "There can be no constitutional renewal while a monarch sits on the thrones."