The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #122140   Message #2681165
Posted By: irishenglish
15-Jul-09 - 11:00 PM
Thread Name: ukulele to replace recorder
Subject: RE: ukelele to replace recorder
Oh WAV, WAV, WAV...another useless diatrabe about multiculturism from you. Why don't you set up a BAN ALL INSTRUMENTS NOT ORIGINATING IN BRITAIN campaign. Just think about more West Africans playing the kora, no more Bolivians blowing the kena, no more Irish playing those dratted fiddles, no more melodeons or accordions, no more dumbeks, pipa's, hurdy gurdy's, sitars, balafons, no more guitars, banjo's, mandolins, bodhrans. No more harmonica, cello, clarinets. Just the sweet sounds of recorders, English concertinas and citterns plucked with fucking feathers...being the only acceptable forms of instrument. But wait a minute. England isn't all about that is it? Where did Bhangra become popular? Oh wait, how about all that Caribbean music that is based in ENgland. If I'm not mistaken, didn't England have African colonies WAV? Haven't generations of families from Nigeria and Gambia been living in the UK longer than you have? Sorry, guess you have to leave that m'bira on the dock when you enter the UK for poor WAV. What's that you say WAV...oh thats ok, I heard you the first said you like the world being multicultural, you just think English kids should learn on the recorder or cittern. Such a convenient proposition for all those multicultural English kids (the by product of colonization), whose own English culture has no resemblance whatsoever to a Thomas Hardy novel. Of course, how silly of me...yes, that 2nd generation family from Nigeria's kids should forget about listening to Fela and King SUnny Ade, of course...they should be learning Jerusalem on the recorder. How silly of me to forget that. After all anyone who sees that myspace is still a thriving community and hasn't let all those layoffs and dwindling memberships get in there way must of course be right. Note to viewers other than WAV-expect either no answer to this post or a one line answer with a direct link back to WAV's poetry, on his myspace page where you can learn about keeping the world all nice and multicultural, but with absolutely not cognitive rebuttal of this post. WAV is working diligently on a contraption that will allow him to toot his recorder while simultaneously pluck his cittern with a feather, while pumping away at his trusty Pardon me WAV, I'm gonna go practice my GUITAR right now...look out Martin Tufnel!