The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #122305   Message #2681237
Posted By: GUEST,Gadaffi
16-Jul-09 - 04:22 AM
Thread Name: BS: Non-alcoholic alternatives to beer
Subject: BS: Non-alcholic alternatives to beer
For purely health reasons known to some 'catters, I am approaching Sidmouth FolkWeek and pondering what acceptable low or non-alcoholic alternatives there are to beer! I don't want to spend an arm or a leg, and non-alcoholic beer/lager seems to cost that! Nor am I really considering coffee, or sugar/saccharin containing soft drinks for fear of rotting my teeth. I am on friendly terms with the pub landlord concerned and would like to keep it that way without smuggling in a water bottle - which might just happen anyway!
This is a serious question, as I am due to chair a daily lunchtime session and am trying to keep my blood pressure stable.