The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #122305   Message #2681247
Posted By: GUEST,Mr Red
16-Jul-09 - 04:44 AM
Thread Name: BS: Non-alcoholic alternatives to beer
Subject: RE: BS: Non-alcholic alternatives to beer
Beware the "low" alcohol beverages. A lot of them retain certain ingredients for the colour & flavour, called "congeners". But to give them a proper name - alcohols. The problem is that there are so many forms of alcohol and the darker the brew the harder it is for the liver to digest them, and hence the finding with some people that they give you a headache far sooner. Hence the red wine story. They call such people "red heads".
And some of them wear the colour as a reminder of the susceptability!

I avoid any cider that proclaims "with artificial sugars and sweeteners" - which seem to offer the same cranial facility. "cider" is a legal definition within the EC (milled from apples), anything extra has to be listed as ingredients. Low alcohol ciders are particularly heady.