The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #122182   Message #2681255
Posted By: Crow Sister (off with the fairies)
16-Jul-09 - 05:01 AM
Thread Name: Does Folk Exist?
Subject: RE: Does Folk Exist?
Spleen: "I get the feeling most of 'em don't give a stuff about the sort of things that get talked about here. Rather, they just like singing the songs."

Yeppers. I really don't think that the ground floor give a crap about all this stuff either. I suspect the majority avoid such discussions quite *actively*. In fact I've heard people say as much.
I also recall sometime back looking into books about the history of Folk, and another 'Catter semi-seriously entreating me: "Don't go into the Light! Don't go into the Light! Don't become one of 'Them'!"