The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115854   Message #2681772
Posted By: Don Firth
16-Jul-09 - 06:05 PM
Thread Name: BS: Californians Oppose 'Prop 8' Gay Marriage Ban
Subject: RE: BS: Californians Oppose 'Prop 8' Gay Marriage Ban
Quentin Crisp was very amusing with his repertoire of witty remarks, but he also spoke a lot of sheer balderdash. He definitely did not speak for all gays, and I don't think he would get much agreement on statements like, "The world would be a better place without homosexuals." If, indeed, he actually said that.

And Ake's statement that homosexuals are basically uninterested in same-sex marriage (pushed, as he says, by those nasty, meddling "liberalists") is nonsense, as are his comments about the "lifestyle" of homosexuals. Not what the real, live homosexuals of my acquaintance tell me, by any means.

Does Ake know any homosexuals? Has he ever take the time to talk with a gay person? And more important:   did he listen to what they had to say?

It's putting forth misinformation, such as GfS's insistence that sexual orientation is a matter of choice (when you reach puberty, you just toss a coin), and that it is a psychological aberration (not what the American Psychiatric Association says) and can be cured with counseling and/or psychotherapy (proven ineffective, if not downright hazardous to the patient);   and Ake's increasingly obvious thesis that homosexual activity by itself spontaneously creates the AIDs virus (based on "spontaneous generation," a long since debunked medieval superstition) that gives homophobes and bullies the kind of excuses they look for to commit hate crimes against gays.

Hassling and bullying of gays is almost a national sport with some people, and almost all kids even suspected of being gay have had to undergo it. It's called by some "fag bashing." What it really is, however, is a HATE CRIME.

And sometimes it can lead to unspeakable atrocities. Have you ever heard of Matthew Shepard? If not, google the name. It will give you an idea of how far this sort of thing can go. Here's a start:    CLICKY.

Don Firth

P. S. By the way, Ake:    since when has it been reprehensible to have a "political agenda?" All politicians have one, otherwise why did they run for office in the first place? And all thinking citizens have one, otherwise why would they bother to vote, in the hope that the politicians they vote for will actually do what they say they intend to do?

No—if you don't have a political agenda, you have your head up a very dark place.

Your political agenda seems to be the prevention of same-sex marriage. Otherwise, what are all your posts on this thread, and at least one other thread awhile back, all about?