The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #121985   Message #2681874
Posted By: maire-aine
16-Jul-09 - 09:51 PM
Thread Name: BS: ANOTHER de-clutter thread (July 2009)
Subject: RE: BS: ANOTHER de-clutter thread (July 2009)
Made muffins yesterday, so I got the ingredients off of the counter & back where they belong; they had been sitting out on a tray for a week or more. Had a couple for breakfast today, then put the rest in the freezer. Went grocery shopping and our local store had Stouffers' frozen entrees on sale, so I stocked up. I don't usually buy them, but this was an unusually good deal, and they'll keep. My friend snuck out of work early (he's self-employed) and we went to see the new Harry Potter movie, then out for dinner. Two loads of laundry done, and one more to do tomorrow.

I've set aside the last week in July to do my canning. I'll do tomatoes, etc. first. By the time I'm done (if I have any energy left) free-stone peaches may be ready-- they ripen later than "cling" peaches. Need to by done by August 13, because I've scheduled my 2nd cataract surgery for then.

