The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #122006   Message #2682351
Posted By: Alice
17-Jul-09 - 02:20 PM
Thread Name: BS: The Family
Subject: RE: BS: The Family
6 to 8 Republican congressmen stay at C street at a time.
The Family author lived in the house to do the research for the book.
The leader, Coe, actually believes that Totalitarian leaders are the examples of how Christian leaders should lead. He counsels that Hitler, Pol Pott, etc., should be these congressmen's examples.

In 1935, the founder of The Family believes he got a revelation from God that the rich and powerful were chosen to become more rich and powerful.

WATCH THIS VIDEO interview of the author of the book about the Family.

As explained in the interview, they do not think "normal" rules of morality do not apply to members of The Family.
