The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #122006   Message #2682878
Posted By: Alice
18-Jul-09 - 01:09 PM
Thread Name: BS: The Family
Subject: RE: BS: The Family
As an aside to this, we currently have a member of an apocalyptic new age cult who is the Bozeman leader of the local "Tea Bag" protest group (remember our counter protest group thread, Green Coalition of Gay Loggers for Jesus?)

For years, he has had a right wing local talk radio show on the same station (Clearchannel) that broadcasts Limbaugh, Hannity, Beck, Michael Savage, etc. He calls his radio show Open Range. This guy hides his real background and membership in the Church Universal and Triumphant aka Summit Lighthouse aka Elizabeth Clare Prophet, because when they did their fallout shelter apocalypse fiasco south of us near Yellowstone AND were found guilty of illegal arms buying, most people in Montana have a clue about the fact that the group is a cult that manipulates and has been destructive to its members and neighbors.

Well, Tea Baggers show up following him, the most recent in the last few days a protest against the government regarding health care reform. Most of these Tea Bag people would be shocked to know that he STILL is an active member/leader in the cult, but he keeps that fact under wraps. He'd fit right in to the mind set of the type who would join the Family.... but he is already in a cult, one led by a "Mother" figurehead who weaves far right wing politics into the beliefs.