The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #122360   Message #2683072
Posted By: Bill D
18-Jul-09 - 07:57 PM
Thread Name: Memories of Johnny Collins
Subject: RE: Memories of Johnny Collins
Memories then....since as I posted in the thread, I only met him once, at a house concert in the USA, I have only the memory of him kneeling before me, hands together in supplication....*smile*

I suppose that needs explaining:

That concert with Johnny & Jim was at Mike Rivers' place in Virginia, across the river from Wash may have been 23-24 years ago. I lose track.

Not sure how this story will hit a non-beer drinker...but...(Johnny CARED about his beer)

We had a very nice opening set, then at the break, someone asked them if they'd like a beer. "Ummm...what have you got?", asks Johnny...

"Well", says Mike..(or someone)" some Bud, or some Millers..."

Johnny looks...dubious, but prepared...(He later explained that in the US, they often drank "Iron City" beer from Pittsburg, because "It at least had a flavor.")

Bill D steps forward with his cooler. (always be prepared).."Would you like some Sam Smith's?"

With about 2.4 nanoseconds pause, Johnny drops to one knee in front of me, hands in prayerful position..."Jim... Jim!", he calls.." 'es got Sam Smiths!!!"

"Ale or stout?" says I. "Oh...ALE!", they say in unison. I opened 2 Sam Smiths ales for them, with Johnny happily telling me about suffering with Iron City in order to get ANY flavor...I drank the stout. Johnny was SO polite in his genteel condemnation of American beer - which at that time was pretty accurate.
The rest of the concert was quite nice....

A fine memory......