The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115854   Message #2683098
Posted By: Little Hawk
18-Jul-09 - 09:52 PM
Thread Name: BS: Californians Oppose 'Prop 8' Gay Marriage Ban
Subject: RE: BS: Californians Oppose 'Prop 8' Gay Marriage Ban
LOL! Mark Twain was a true wit, Amos. I have nothing but admiration for the man...and also for his no doubt long-suffering wife.

Don, you mentioned that "these ding-dongs are prejudiced against all kinds of people".

Yikes! Who are these despicable people you refer to who are prejudiced against all kinds of people? Why do we permit them to go on living? They must be ferreted out and dealt with! Send me a list of names, would you? I'll pass that list on to Chongo Chimp, he will pass it on to some of his good friends in Chicago, and THEN they'll see, by God, what happens to the prejudiced when they have gone too far!

Intolerance will NOT be tolerated! No sir. To the guillotine with them all, I say!

* Note: (You go far astray, Don, when you insist on taking personally my every satirical comment on this thread when I am speaking about the various silly human foibles that amuse or annoy me as I observe society percolating around me...but if you are bent on doing so and imagining that my comments are all directed specifically at YOU, I hardly see how I could ever convince you that I intended otherwise.)

If you go to some other threads, you will note that I'm also making ruthless fun of Valley Girl types who use the word "like" 8500 times an hour and stretch the boundaries of vapidity to unheard of dimensions. More prejudice on my part! (Could it be another sly attack on Don Firth, though, with the gender of the attackee switched as a camouflage of my true intentions?)

I'm also making fun of Canadians and of Don Cherry and his dog on another thread. More prejudice! (But how does it link to Don Firth? Hmmmm...gotta work on that and find out the connection...wait a minute! Don Cherry...Don Firth. Aha! I think we have the smoking gun.)

Whoo-wee. Whole lotta stuff to track down, eh? Look through all my other posts for yet more evidence of prejudice and report it to the human rights commission and Homeland Security ASAP. ;-)