The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115854   Message #2683229
Posted By: akenaton
19-Jul-09 - 07:02 AM
Thread Name: BS: Californians Oppose 'Prop 8' Gay Marriage Ban
Subject: RE: BS: Californians Oppose 'Prop 8' Gay Marriage Ban
Well....I'm "proud to be a peasant"!
The intelligetsia love themselves far too much as far as I'm can all see it here, boasting about their academic qualifications...pathetic!{I exclude Little Hawk from whom the information has had to be extracted by force!)

The trouble with academia is that it appears to give one a feeling of superiority in EVERYTHING, as if no one has a right to hold differing opinions.

No one needs qualifications to see the health problems in the male homosexual lifestyle, or the effect behaviour has on "rights". My view is as valid as the view of anyone with a bunch of "parrot papers" or a "liberal" agenda, I just keep my eyes and ears open to the real world, non the world according to some manipulating power hungry politicians.

Our humanity is gradually being eroded, not just in the realms of minority rights but in every facet of life.

We now live by committee, there is no personal responsibility.
Do you know that in our local primary school, children are not allowed to run in the playground! not allowed to speak to adults unless vetted by the school, we are raising a generation of automatons, without empathy or the power to decide for themselves.

But they will make fine citizens in the brave new Orwellian "liberal" world.