The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #122391   Message #2683944
Posted By: Eric the Viking
20-Jul-09 - 12:55 PM
Thread Name: Can someone explain bar (tavern) music to me?
Subject: RE: Can someone explain bar music to me?
Once a long time ago, as a duo, who had played clubs and had been resident singers, we played a rugby club. (As a player myself it didn't bother me) the bar noise was terrible and we seemed to be playing and singing only to the front row (intended pun) of about ten. At the other end, the bar was in full Saturday night swing. Some one at the front shouted to the back to "effing shut up" as they couldn't hear us. The response came. "Well sing some decent effing rugby songs then not poncy stuff". This we did as I happened to know just a few risque songs myself. It turned into a great night with a huge aduience response and offers of a repeat night. (We'd been asked to avoid rugby songs and put on "entertainment of folk and popular music") I did wonder why we'd been asked to perform when it was obvious that most of the group there wanted a Saturday piss up. (Why else go to a rugby club?)

Most people in pubs and bars are hoping (even if distantly) for a shag. Therefore they expect music. Says Richard. they'd have been hard put that night, there was only about 15 women there !And I wouldn't have suggested the gay option to this lot !! LOL

Another time, just a few years ago, we playeda ceilidh in a working mans club for a birthday party. Saturday afternoon, open to club members, the party group, and the local boy cafe racers club. Talk about chaos ! We couldn't hear ourselves over the TV.The soccer was on. Cheers, boos and shouting at the ref and "other side" was in full swing. People cutting across the dancers, spilling beer as they went. Boy racers reving up outside to drown the TV, and with 90,000 watts Hifi's on full drum n bass. It was for us and the caller, a nightmare ! The punters who hired us said it was a brilliant time !! (The food looked beautiful but had been well and truly smoked out by the time for the nosh)

Makes you wonder why you do it sometime.