The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #71054   Message #2684217
Posted By: toadfrog
20-Jul-09 - 09:39 PM
Thread Name: War Mongering Songs
Subject: RE: War Mongering Songs
Well, I think a lot of people are saying, songs in favor of your cause are bloody and awful, songs in favor of my cause are noble and patriotic. I know the words to "Deutschland, Deutschland ueber alles," and I also know where they came from (in 1830). There is nothing intrinsically wrong with those words, which were "liberal" words until Hitler adopted them--Deutschland, Deutschland was not the imperial anthem. It was first adopted by the Weimar Republic

Try these for bloody words:
I'll sing you a song of about the town,
How the green flag went up and the Crown rag went down!
'Twas the neatest and sweetest that ever you saw,
And they play the best game played in Erin go bragh!


A young Cockney sergeant was yelling that day,
Just give us one hour and I'll blow you away!
But a big Mauser bullet got stuck in his craw,
And he died of lead poisoning and Erin go bragh!

Now, I think those are bloody-minded lyrics. But I bet some people would differ, on the ground the 1916 Easter Rebellion was noble. So it all depends on whose ox is being gored.