The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #122362   Message #2684221
Posted By: Q (Frank Staplin)
20-Jul-09 - 09:55 PM
Thread Name: Ship Margaret Evans, songs
Subject: RE: Ship Margaret Evans, songs
Further general usage of the term Bulgine for a steam engine or locomotive, and expansion to include other types inc. fuel-

Rudyard Kipling, "Steam Tactics" 1899-
"The water-gauge of that steam car was reflected on a mirror to the right of the dashboard..........
He said to me after breakfast only this mornin' 'ow he thanked his Maker, on all fours, that he wouldn't see nor smell nor thumb a runnin' bulgine till the nineteenth pros........
"What happens if he upsets?" "The petrol will light up and the boiler may blow up." "How rambunkshus!"
(Complete story online)

Extract from online summary of mining development, Victoria, Australia-
1869: Companies formed to prospect and work Cement Hill- Tanjil constructed a 10 km long water race- Adjoining lease were (the leases of) Bulgine, Jumping Sailors, Aboard Ship- soon amalgamated as Tanjil Golden Cement Co.-

F. E. Miller, 1905, "Oklahoma Sunshine," poem "Look Out For Trouble," p. 198. (longtime poet laureate of Oklahoma)
Doan' spend yuh time eh-gazin'
Up yondah at de sky:
It shuah will make you dizzy
En pain yoh lit'le eye;
Jes' keep yohse'f eh-lookin'
Clah down de way yuh go:
De bulgine sho'ly comin'
De fus' thing dat yuh know!

Mark A. Howe, "Later Years of the Saturday Club 1870-1920;" a Boston club with members inc. O. W. Holmes, A. Agassiz, Richard Henry Dana, Henry James, John Singer Sargeant, Francis Parkman, etc.
A group of them also met for dining under the name of The Bulgine Club.
(Out-of-print but easily available).

Reference in Japanese about a Bulgine Machine-
Several other references to this machine, currently in manufacture.

Blog on boat repair, 2005:
Here is a shot of my latest marine engine repair project...It's the 18hp Volvo 2002 diesel auxillary.....Affectionately referred to as the "Bulgine"