The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #122035   Message #2685687
Posted By: Riginslinger
22-Jul-09 - 09:55 PM
Thread Name: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
"Rig, agreeing with the editing has nothing whatever to do with money or an Ivy League education."

                It does in this sense. If the left-wing-looneys went after Mitt Romney in the same manner, he'd simply write a check for the legal expenses of exposing them for what they are, and he'd go on about his business. The left-wing-looneys know he can do that, so they don't attack him. Instead, they attack Sarah Palin who has a much more difficult time coming up with the needed legal expenses. They know that, so they attack her over and over and over, and eventually, they'll go back and try to make the case that she used the money inappropriately.
                Then they're off on another wild adventure.
                It don't cost them nothin'.
                They're assholes.