The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #121985   Message #2685779
Posted By: Darowyn
23-Jul-09 - 04:04 AM
Thread Name: BS: ANOTHER de-clutter thread (July 2009)
Subject: RE: BS: ANOTHER de-clutter thread (July 2009)
We are expecting to move house within the next month, so the decluttering has been on an industrial scale at our house.
When we were house hunting in Malvern, we only viewed this house out of curiosity, because we could not make sense of the description in the Agent's particulars.
As we walked down the drive after the first viewing, we looked at eachother and said,"It's far too big for just the two of us. We'd be crazy to buy that place. Let's do it!"
The result is that we have a lot of rooms for special purposes, Art Room, Gym, Library, Music Room etc.
Now we are moving, and things have to go.
One great thing around here is Freecycle. If you want to get rid of stuff, you advertise it on the Freecycle website and people who need it come and take it away.
A dozen bits of unwanted furniture have gone that way. We have boxes of stuff to take to a Boot Sale, as soon as there is any prospect of a dry Saturday, and there have been several trips to the dump.
Contrarily though, we have just bought a Conservatory suite- though the one thing we do not have here is a conservatory.
But there is a magnificent one where we are going, and it was a very good price!
The process continues.
My garage/workshop is going to be the big challenge!