The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #122035   Message #2686072
Posted By: SharonA
23-Jul-09 - 12:29 PM
Thread Name: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
I don't know why this thread is being clouded with talk of Obama's administration, Bush's administration, etc., etc. The point here is Palin.

I think that invoking an image of Sarah Palin being publicly lynched by "the left" or "the media" is outrageous hyperbole. Lynching is an act of mob violence that results in the physical death of the victim, and Palin is not targeted for death by "the left" or "the media", nor is she a victim.

It is not an act of mob violence to point out Palin's many self-contradictions, violations of law, outright lies, inability to communicate with clarity, and other characteristics that make her unfit for executive office in the federal government and even in Alaska state government. Rather, it is an act of vigilance.

As long as she insists on keeping herself in the public eye, that eye should see clearly just who and what she is, and not be obscured by the rhetoric of "the right" and its insistence that nothing is wrong with their picture of her in the Oval Office.

Poking fun at her is not only impossible to resist, but it is necessary to do as long as there are people out there who take her seriously and are so taken by her charms that they would vote for her. Those people need to be convinced otherwise.

Please, let's drop the word "lynch" from this thread's conversation. I don't want her to die. I just want her to go away and have a happy life fishing and raising her kids and grandkids. Mind you, I don't envy the kids and grandkids who have to listen to Sarah prattle on incoherently, but hopefully they will learn not to listen too closely and just love her as a family member... and visit her in jail if she should ever end up there for her political crimes.