The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #121985   Message #2687868
Posted By: Liz the Squeak
27-Jul-09 - 06:34 AM
Thread Name: BS: ANOTHER de-clutter thread (July 2009)
Subject: RE: BS: ANOTHER de-clutter thread (July 2009)
Well, I finally got around to doing some sorting! I just shredded a whole stack of things that have been piling up since January... I never reaslised I get so much junk mail! But then, I'm stunned to realise this is the first bit of actual decluttering I've done for over a month. Life got in the way and I had no energy or incentive to do anything much more strenuous than opening the fridge door.

This means the computer room has a floor again, I found the carpet (and incidentally, the source of that peculiar musty odour... why must cats puke under desks?) and managed to not only vacuum, but clean it too! The folding bed has been secured and placed in its home, the landing carpet cleaned and the pile of stuff for the loft moved to a location nearer the loft and thus more likely to prompt me to put it up there....

Now I need to put the card making stuff away and all will be fine!