The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #122391   Message #2688369
Posted By: Willie-O
27-Jul-09 - 06:04 PM
Thread Name: Can someone explain bar (tavern) music to me?
Subject: RE: Can someone explain bar (tavern) music to me?
Mark Ross: "The Rodeo Song" was a common pitfall for Canadian musicians for a decade or so. Once I was playing a bar in Ottawa, (full of Newfoundlanders, who hated all the Newfoundland songs I tried and just wanted Stones songs) and made the mistake of letting someone borrow my guitar while I'm on a break. (Yeah, yeah, what the hell was I thinking?) Of course, the guy tears into "Rodeo Song", which got ME some furious words from the manager, who I guess was having noise problems with the neighbours and bylaw was a warm night so the doors were open...nope I didn't play there again. And I got a lot more cautious about requests.

The Rodeo Song was written by a seasoned Alberta cowboy singer named Gaye ain't easy for a cowboy named Gaye.
"Its forty below and I don't give a fuck, got a heater in my truck and I'm off to the rodeo..." it's kind of soothing when you get the hang of it. "Here comes Johnny with his pecker in his hand, he's a one-ball man and he's off to the rodeo". Theres also a chorus, but ladies and gentlemen, that's all the verses.

I play bars sometimes, but not SPORTS BARS. And the cardinal rule: I don't play any bars during NHL playoffs. And I don't generally play bars I wouldn't enjoy patronizing.

Like busking, playing bars is an honourable profession, but it's not for everyone.