The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #122507   Message #2688746
Posted By: SINSULL
28-Jul-09 - 10:29 AM
Thread Name: Obit: Sandy Paton (22 January 1929 - 26 July 2009)
Subject: RE: Obit: Sandy Paton (22 January 1929 - 26 July 2009)
I didn't spend a lot of time with Sandy and Caroline but somehow the few were always memorable. And theyfeel like family.

One night, during World Series craziness, Caroline and I were banned from the downstairs living room. We retreated upstairs and were talking old movies. I mentioned "I Know Where I'm Going" and instantly she dug it out. One of her favorites too. Before too long, Kendall joined us - he couldn't handle the baseball fervor downstairs either but when he started explaining how you couldn't dry out an engine in a whirlpool, we tossed him out. A funny moment. That same night we all stood outside shivering and watching a total eclipse of the moon. When I remember that trip, I think of clementines, a kitchen full of kids and Kendall trying hard to get his breakfast cooked amid the chaos.
I believe I am one of the few people to make Sandy blush twice in one day. It was in the Folk-Legacy booth at NEFFA. I was wearing a T-shirt decorated with dragonflies. A couple noticed it and asked what was written on it. I had not ever noticed the script and couldn't read it upside down so I turned to Sandy and said "Can you read around my breasts?" He tried - but he was scarlet and laughing.
Later that evening a group of us met for Chinese food and the same couple (who, by the way, were big Paton fans) came over to the table to say "Hi". The husband asked if we had ever figured out what was written on the T-shirt. Sandy was shaking his head and trying to chnage the subject and I piped up: "Oh yes. Turns out it was written in Braille." LOL he blushed again.
I have also shared a few tears with Sandy when illness and money woes were just too much. We cried in each others arms and then laughed because we both knew it would be OK. That visit he sang Piney Mountain for me and Caroline got us all to join in on the chorus. And When You And I Were Young, Maggie. I dearly love that big bear of a man with his flirty blue eyes and quick wit. I even loved him when he was cranky, maybe even loved him more for feeling free to be cranky.

Caroline has been a rock for so long. Such an elegant lady with an impish sense of humor and a will of iron. We will sing Sandy on together and share a lot of tears and stories and count on you to keep herding us along.
This is very hard.