The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #87391   Message #2688879
Posted By: gnu
28-Jul-09 - 01:25 PM
Thread Name: BS: Where's the Global Warming
Subject: RE: BS: Where's the Global Warming
Iss da fookin seals eh wha?

All da seal huggin yuppies what gets da ban on da seal hunt is causin a spoike in da seal population. More seals eatin cod an salmon an shellfish ana loike an fartin, what den causes da roise in yer temperature a yer bay, see? Not ta mention yer green gas what fooks wit yer ozone. Now, dem cod and yer loike is after livin in cold water fer a long many years and dey don't spawn so good when da bay is warm. Less fer yer whole food chain ta eat, what stunts yer growth of yer under da water plant type life and den iss loike a dog chasin ees tail I tell ya.

True sure! Iss da fookin seals, buddy.

Well, iss da yuppies what gets sucked in ta donatin coin by yer global Mega-Beggers loike yer Green Pieces who use yer stunned as me arse neo-ecological old hippies loike yer McCartneys fer frontmen. Imagine da loikes a dat pair globe trottin in jets and cruise punts and couldn't even find Newfoundland on a fookin map!! Jaysus! Wonner Danny b'y didn't go out fer a wee chat wit his nibs in person and give n a smack.

At least get a fookin GPS so's ya knows where yer to eh, Pauly. I mean, it's nare loike ya can't afford one... and maybe a yuppie to read it for ya. Good ting dey weren't walkin, eh? Prob'ly woulda got lost sure... had ta club a baby seal fer sustinence eh wha? Nothin out on ta ice fer ta make a club with though. Wonder what dey coulda used?

Some folks is stunner n fookin seals. I mean, ya don't even have no never mind the roise in da level a da bay from yer global swarming… put a seal in yer washtub an see if yer floor gets wet.

Iss da fookin seals!