The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #122549   Message #2689068
Posted By: lefthanded guitar
28-Jul-09 - 04:51 PM
Thread Name: BS: Flax Seed/Meal/Capsules?
Subject: BS: Flax for health?
Since several of our posters are beyond the age of being carded at the pub; I thought perhaps some have had concern about cholesterol levels..and hence experience of....flax. It was suggested to me to try it to lower cholesterol readings with flax.But one person says to try the capsules, another the flax seed itself; another says it has to be ground into meal. Now I am confused about which type would work (if indeed it WOULD work)

Anyone have any experience with this? I feel I may get better advice here than the high school kid working the counter at the Health Food Store. ;)