The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #122526   Message #2689270
Posted By: Rapparee
28-Jul-09 - 08:34 PM
Thread Name: BS: Europe Bans Seal Products
Subject: RE: BS: Europe Bans Seal Products
Seal, caribou, and other furs were and are used by traditional Arctic peoples because of the properties of the furs. Were I able to afford such a parka (and they go on over your head, they do not button up front) I would want it with the furs used as they are traditionally: wolf (I'll take coyote though) for the ruff, wolverine for the lining of the hood, seal for its water repellency, caribou for the windstopping qualities, etc. I would of course want pants, mittens, and boots to match.

It gets COLD here (below zero F.) and sometimes windy as well. But I have no place to use such an outfit and therefore would not own one even if I could afford it.

So I'll make do as I have been, with wool and fibers both natural and unnatural.