The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #122549   Message #2689313
Posted By: GUEST,van lingle
28-Jul-09 - 10:10 PM
Thread Name: BS: Flax Seed/Meal/Capsules?
Subject: RE: BS: Flax Seed/Meal/Capsules?
From what I've read about it VT is correct,it's suppose to be at it's peak when freshly ground. I'm not too fanatical about it so I grind a few days worth (I use 2-3 tablespoons a day) in my coffee grinder and store it in a cool, dry and dark place (refrigerator).

It also loses it benefits when cooked so I sprinkle it on top of things like cold cereal or things that have been cooked or just drink it in a glass of spring water.

It is important to take the ground meal with at least 8 oz. of liquid as it will turn into a gelatinous mass in your colon otherwise.

I've read that it's best ingested an hour before taking vitamins, nutritional supplements or meals.

I use the meal but I also take a flax seed oil capsule at midday and a 3-6-9 capsule in the morning and evening in an effort to cover all the bases.

I got most of this info from the book "Prescription for Nutritional Healing" and the Mayo clinic website. Good luck.