The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #122526   Message #2689602
Posted By: Rapparee
29-Jul-09 - 11:03 AM
Thread Name: BS: Europe Bans Seal Products
Subject: RE: BS: Europe Bans Seal Products
I won't get into the "don't eat meat" controversy as that is a matter of choice. I have said elsewhere that my ideal in that regard is that you would only eat what you grow or hunt yourself.

However, the clubbing of the baby harp seals (in the movie) was disproved years back by the Dutch government investigation into the matter. FAR more efficient to shoot them at a distance, and the kill is as quick and humane as possible. The Inuit and the Yupik adopted firearms for hunting everything as quickly as they could, simply because of the efficiency.

Some years ago the Norwegian Tourist Minister suggested (as I remember) a "seal hunt" where tourists could brain seals with pickhammers. I don't believe the idea went anywhere, but the Minister did.