The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #122526   Message #2689827
Posted By: Crow Sister (off with the fairies)
29-Jul-09 - 03:33 PM
Thread Name: BS: Europe Bans Seal Products
Subject: RE: BS: Europe Bans Seal Products
Bit of a thread drift here. But while there (in my opinion - as an openly hypocritical on/off meat eater) may not be any truly 'humane' way to rear and slaughter meat, there is still a *scale* of humanitarian issues around animal welfare in the meat industry, that far more (in fact ALL) meat eaters need to take an interest in, and personal responsibility for.

"Enlightened" meat eating, is often not acknowledged by serious vegetarians/vegans, because ANY meat eating, simply doesn't accord with their personal ethics. Yet, it's average meat eaters attitudes and buying habits which must be addressed if any serious progress in animal welfare is to be made: average meat eaters who will never become vegetarian, but who may be gently nagged into simply making a better informed and more 'humanitarian' choice when surfing the supermarket.

Like Peace, I swap most of my meat consumption for vegetarian and vegan alternatives (can't EVER give up cheese though folks!). I've also been vegetarian for some years in past. I'm on a vegetarian diet at present. Yet my own meat consumption over the years, has been what I consider to be 'enlightened', in other words I make an intentionally informed choice & take full personal responsibility for my choices. Thus, when I purchase meat, I choose game or free-range meat.

I also believe game and free-range meat industries are the only choice any fully informed meat-eating individual, can ethically take. I'd also happily fish or hunt with birds, dogs & guns (though trapping is beyond the pale for me). And in that respect, I fully support Rapaire, as I think it's the most personally responsible choice any meat eater can take.