The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #122570   Message #2690285
Posted By: olddude
30-Jul-09 - 09:11 AM
Thread Name: Us and Them: folk music and political persuasion
Subject: RE: Us and Them
I lost a friend recently and it was one that I knew for years. He calls himself a Christian but everyday would send me and a host of others these non stop railings against gays, and against liberals and against women and the list goes on an on. I repeatedly tried to explain to him that it was not welcome, not productive and not the right path in life to pass on articles that do nothing but peddle hate. I finally lost it and told him he cannot ever email me or call me again. I just could not take it any further.   I only mention Christian because of this issue. I hear it from all types of people, those I have worked with, neighbors etc from all types of belief systems to no belief systems. I don't know when people will wake up and realized we are all in this boat called life. Unless we all start paddling, we are going to all sink ... you said it beautifully Jerry .. I have read no greater truth than what you just wrote.