The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #122570   Message #2690433
Posted By: Jerry Rasmussen
30-Jul-09 - 02:00 PM
Thread Name: Us and Them: folk music and political persuasion
Subject: RE: Us and Them: folk music and political persuasion
Sheesh, Dave: Read my post:

"I bet Bascom Lamar Lunsford was a Republican. He was a lawyer, for God's sake! The only work he ever did with his hands was sticking them in someone else's pockets. Sounds stupid, don't it. And it is.
But no more foolish than the endless quest to divide people into warring factions."

I said it was stupid because it's the kind of stupid stuff you hear people say. I have the greatest admiration for Lunsford. I have no idea whether he was Republican or Democrat. I could care less. Or is it I couldn't care less? I could never get that one right. The object of my whole post was that I think it's immaterial whether or not a folk musician is Republican or Democrat, wealthy or poor. They're all folks, sure enough.
