The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #122045   Message #2690491
Posted By: Barry Finn
30-Jul-09 - 02:53 PM
Thread Name: Bull Bay Festival, Anglesey
Subject: RE: Bull Bay Festival, Anglesey
Hi All
Is there anyone attending that's headed back to the Manchester area after the festival that I can accompany & spilt travel expenses with? I can leave the festival after it's over or continue camping till Monday morn. I have a train ticket for Monday late afternoon but thought riding with someone might be more enjoyable for all around.
I'll be headed up that way to make my flight home on Wednesday morning.
In the meantime if anyone any has suggestions on "folk" musical events, clubs, venues, sessions or sings in the Manchester area that's going on this coming Monday &/or Tuesday, day or evening I'd be very thankful for your input as well as any places to bed & board (cheap) for those couple days.

I'll be able to check back here tonight & tomorrow morning, I don't think I'll be near a computer after that but will have my ears & eyes open & on at the festival

Thanks, see you tomorrow