The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #121955   Message #2690555
Posted By: Pierre Le Chapeau
30-Jul-09 - 04:14 PM
Thread Name: Knockholt Forever Autumn
Subject: RE: Knockholt Forever Autumn
This September Knockholt deserves a vocal workshop this is a request by myself on behalf of all the ladies? Sorry women singers who attend. does anyone know who maybe be able to take it. Pigs ear done one workshop there is Brian and Marion but they do not attend and Im at a loss to know of anyone else who can help?

I think Thursday night this September should be Sausage night. After our founder and mentor Mr Keningham. (He might just show up on the Thursday if the Knockholt Sausage fest is honored to him?                              
I have been buying cheep Sausages at Sainburys which are equally both in date but bland.
But I have been digging holes in them and placing in me own fillers.
I have been adding honey and finger Chillies.
Lemon and Lime and Apple. Hint of Sugar.

The Sausages having been Marinated in a Chinese Whine prior to adding the above ingredients?.
I cooked them this morning and me taste buds nearly shot out me Ears they were Mmmm.