The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #122449   Message #2690724
Posted By: GUEST,George Davis
30-Jul-09 - 07:59 PM
Thread Name: BS: So why has the BNP gained votes?
Subject: RE: BS: So why has the BNP gained votes?
I think France got it right. Remember the riots a few years ago ? the government there care for their own. Britain really has become a joke in the eyes of Europeans. It has become the walfare state feeding bowl of Europe for any Tom,Dick or Harry who fancies a free house, free medical care, free education and a free handout.

If I went to any European country on holiday I have to take out travel insurance in case of illness, why can't this apply to those landing in the UK ? If I presented myself at the dole office in Poland, would they pay for the house of my choice ? send me a load of money each week for doing sod all ? Would they look after my granny if I flew her over to get her corns done ? I know the answers and so do you.

It has to stop and the BNP are offering that leadership.