The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #122449   Message #2690883
Posted By: GUEST, Richard Bridge on new desktop
31-Jul-09 - 04:52 AM
Thread Name: BS: So why has the BNP gained votes?
Subject: RE: BS: So why has the BNP gained votes?
Actually, Ake, when I first got onto lecturing, by the time I had paid for my travel, and allowed for travelling time and preparation time, I was working for well below minimum wage.

But you miss the point. The workers you object to should be getting the same wage as anyone else on the minimum wage. Insofar as that minimum wage suffices for indigenous labour it likewise suffices for non-indigenous labour.

Family credit and so on assist on a means-tested basis, in general without regard to origin, which is again right.

You do however correctly identify that the taxpayer, via tax, subsidises the low-wage economy (so enabling employers to pay low wages) to the benefit of capital, so the government is playing Robin Hood in reverse - steal from the poor, give to the rich.

However, if you argue that guestworkers should not receive the same consideration as indigenes, then I regret to say that that appears to be a discrimination based on race.

Really must do some work - I was just adding another PC to the network and got sidetracked.