The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #122507   Message #2690923
Posted By: bbc
31-Jul-09 - 06:25 AM
Thread Name: Obit: Sandy Paton (22 January 1929 - 26 July 2009)
Subject: RE: Obit: Sandy Paton (22 January 1929 - 26 July 2009)
Ed, thank you so much! You said many things about Sandy that rang true for me, as, I'm sure, they do for many others who knew him. Your music, (& that of Ann & Gordon) recorded by Folk Legacy, was one of the key factors in starting my Internet romance that has spanned 9 years, so far. I met Patons as a teacher & librarian &, though our tastes were not the same, we shared a love for words & literature that enlivened our conversations. On his last Thursday, true to form, Sandy asked us to pack his current book & the next in line before we left for his doctor's appointment. Like me, he never wanted to be without reading material. Ed, I'm sure that Sandy knew of your regard for him. It's just that, when we're doing something that comes easily to us, we don't tend to see the full merit in it. Sandy had a finely honed musical sense & he was true to it (as you noted), regardless of financial benefit. We've all reaped the benefit of his work & it has enriched us in ways that money can't buy. If you didn't say exactly what you might have wished at Kaelan's memorial, that's ok. There was so much going on, that day, that it wasn't the best setting for communication. You were there & I know the Patons appreciated that. Caroline spoke of it to me. When someone dies, it seems there are always regrets--things we wish we had said, done, asked. I hope this thread gives us a chance, in some sense, to have that communication, to share that love & that grief. I'm glad you were able to visit before the concert in April (That was my folk club.).

