The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #122449   Message #2690985
Posted By: akenaton
31-Jul-09 - 08:17 AM
Thread Name: BS: So why has the BNP gained votes?
Subject: RE: BS: So why has the BNP gained votes? policy is that encouragement of immigration as a method of wage control is bad economically and bad socially, by that I mean the policy is sure to cause racial tension.

I've never read any of Mr Griffins speeches but I will take your word that he is a racist....that does not make anyone who supports any particular policy of the BNP automatically racist.

My policy would be misunderstood by many here as anti -immigration and therefore racist....but as an intelligent guy with a very good grasp of the machinations of politicians, I hope you personally understand that I am about as far from racism as it is possible to get.
One of my best friends in an area that almost completely "white" is a very dark skinned Indian from Goa.