The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #122526   Message #2691178
Posted By: gnu
31-Jul-09 - 02:08 PM
Thread Name: BS: Europe Bans Seal Products
Subject: RE: BS: Europe Bans Seal Products
Can we get back to clubbin da fookin seals stead a da Haligonians? Though, mind sure as seal shit is slick, some a dem mainlanders whats gone savage on da sealers oughta spend a wee toime inna outport what's got fookall else ta provide cept what ye can scratch an claw from da rock and da wa'er and da hoice.

Until dem bloods a bitches as stood long side wee pups in da cold salt wa'er ta da waist shovellin caplin on ta da shore wit a hold snowshoe, fook em!

D'ya suppose Sir and er ever ate a raw caplin what was droied on a tar paper shack inna summer sun wit a tousand floies on em? Nare fookin loikely.

Makes me blood bile some awful. Ooooo me nerves