The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #122507   Message #2691431
Posted By: GUEST,Larry Kaplan
01-Aug-09 - 02:32 AM
Thread Name: Obit: Sandy Paton (22 January 1929 - 26 July 2009)
Subject: RE: Obit: Sandy Paton (22 January 1929 - 26 July 2009)
These messages will continue for a very long time because Sandy was indeed a very great man, and this news haw and will send a shockwave not only across the US, but I am sure the world.

That's how much Sandy and his wonderful family was--- and is respected. You know this is so when at times like this you think back to your own life when his presence and all his work marked epochs and moments. For me it was discovering that there was a vanguard out there defending and discovering the folk traditions and offering a perspective that could draw you away from the popular culture that prevailed. His work informed me, and helped us bring up our own children who still know what LPs are, the artists he believed in and supported continue to inspire, even though some of them too are gone.

Sandy's humility came from a very honest realization that he was put on this earth to do at least one thing exceedingly well while having at the same time, a healthy respect for the importance (and challenges) of others in making the world a better place. I think with that perspective he may not have had time to notice all the other amazing things he was and did as well. There were many.

Why are we all writing these "posts?" It's because Sandy made himself accessible, even transparent. You saw him and Caroline everywhere---festivals, concerts, the smallest venues, wherever there was music and people who appreciated it. You could talk to Sandy, and darn it, he was really interested in what you had to say. Anyone. His laugh stood out in crowds because in those crowds, among friends he didn't even know he had, he was truly happy. How could he not be? Everyone was speaking his language. He lived and breathed the traditions he has helped preserve. To some of us this might even look like he made sacrifices to do that. But when his story is told in its fullest, notice one thing: he was someone who loved everything he did, and everyone he knew, uncompromizingly, and fully.

I knew Sandy and spent alot of time with him and his family. While not a good excuse, time and distance has taken its toll. But I was with Sandy when Kaelan was born; though not with him to say good bye to Kaelan, I could feel his pain hundreds of miles away, and I feel so badly for this remarkable family. But at a time like this I realize that nearly everyone knew Sandy just as much as almost anyone else---which is a remarkable thing. Such a public, yet intimate friend to so many people. Being able to do that is another one of his legacies.

Rest in peace, Sandy, I will miss you dearly. My heart goes out to your family who I know carry the torch. LK