The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #122449   Message #2691559
Posted By: Lox
01-Aug-09 - 08:25 AM
Thread Name: BS: So why has the BNP gained votes?
Subject: RE: BS: So why has the BNP gained votes?
"Lox....Your last pile of posts keep asking for evidence of political motives"

No - where people make claims or assert an opinion, I ask them to back up their opinion with evidence.

So far on this thread, the Anti BNP posters have provided a wealth of evidence to suppport their opinions.

The pro BNP posters have provided none.

Likewise, there has been no evidence provided to support the view that immigration is responsible for any legal reduction in wages, nor that it is responsible for unemployment, nor that Immigrants sponge off the state.

These things may happen, and if they do there will be examples/evidence.

In the absence of reliable evidence we can only conclude that such allegations are fiction.

There is a large gap between the two following statements.

"we need to encourage immigrants to these shores in order that the UK can remain competitive in a Global Economy"


"immigration used as a tool to control wage rates"

Their meanings are significantly different.

The government may have issued the first statement.

The second statement comes from you.

Your point of view is that the government uses immigration as a tool to bring wage rates down.

The government may spin or lie or sing nursery rhymes, but this has no bearing on whether or not your point of view is supported.

Do you have any evidence to suport your point of view?

"Sometime, no matter how difficult it may be, we just have to use our brains"

Thank you for that helpful advice - I'l bear it in mind.