The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #122449   Message #2691702
Posted By: Royston
01-Aug-09 - 01:47 PM
Thread Name: BS: So why has the BNP gained votes?
Subject: RE: BS: So why has the BNP gained votes?
No, Ake, you don't get away with that.

IF you were just making a point about wage-rates then you would have stopped the story at the local developer who employed people at £10/hr, a lot less than the "going rate".

But you chose to carry on with a load of stuff about the quality of work and you made a fatuous comment about them being subsidised by the taxpayer when, in fact, you just meant that they travelled on a public bus, like everyone else. So what is your point again Ake?

Then on the issue of your celebrated Goan friend, this "integration" is clearly something close to your heart because you chose to offer this as criticism of Glasgow Asians. Why should they not be entitled to be clean-living, alcohol-free, religious people? Go on Ake, why not? I love my drink - fine wine and real ale - but I am rarely drunk, never violent, never antisocial. I look down on town-centre yob & drinking culture. Most people do. So what's your point Ake?

Then, most wonderful of all, having established (doh!) that Muslims and some other asians don't like drinking and loutish behaviour - YOU made the link that these asians must therefore be prejudiced against Scots: so YOU ascribe these attributes to all Scots do you Ake?