The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #122035   Message #2692881
Posted By: GUEST,Chongo Chimp
03-Aug-09 - 01:28 PM
Thread Name: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin will resign on July 26!
Well, the way I see it with Louisiana, I don't see no problem there. Fer one thing, it's directly attached to the rest of the USA and it's between Texas and Mississippi. If we was to sell it back (not GIVE it back!) to the French, that could be a dangerous situation further down the road and it could lead to some future war with them beret-wearin' Pepe Le Pewers and they might temporarily block traffic on the Mississippi if that was to happen.

Now, while I am 100% confident we could decisively win such a war with the Quiche-eaters and take Louisiana back from the French, I can't see the point in gettin' into such a sticky situation in the first place. No sir. I have been to Louisiana. They got a great club scene down there. It's warm in Louisiana. That's another big plus. I also got quite a few votes from Louisiana last time so I think there are some progressive elements there that oughta be encouraged to flourish. One day soon you may see a chimp governor of that state. That's my prediction. Possibly even a gorilla in the governor's chair...but I'm hopin' for a chimp.