The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #122449   Message #2693245
Posted By: Lox
03-Aug-09 - 10:46 PM
Thread Name: BS: So why has the BNP gained votes?
Subject: RE: BS: So why has the BNP gained votes?
"I have no connection to the BNP as I think you probably know"

Yes I know, and you also know that I am no witch-hunter.

You can see from this thread alone that my methodology is considerably better than dunking my adversaries to see if they float.

The problem with peoples concerns about immigration is that they are based on a fallacious argument.

It says - immigration is a problem beacause ...

... and then it lists housing, employment, poverty, social welfare, tax, the NHS etc as sub issues under the umbrella of the issue of immigration.

In fact it is the other way round.

There are issues with Housing, unemployment, poverty, social welfare, tax, the NHS etc.

Each of these things has its problems and its issues ...

... of which the consequences of immigration is one of many subheadings.

So it is wrong to describe the issues surrounding these areas as consequences of immigration policy.

It is right to consider immigration as one of the many equally significant contributory factors to the difficulties involved within each of these areas.

With that in mind I will throw your point back at you in a different guise ...

... instead of concentrating on the effect of immigrants on our society, we should be looking at the mistakes and betrayals of our administration.

And I would add that as long as we remain focussed on immigration as "the big issue" we will be playing political football on the BNP's playing field.

That is why I will not accept that or any similar agenda.

Especially as there is still no evidence to support the view that our problems are caused by immigration, mass or otherwise.