The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #122570   Message #2694289
Posted By: stallion
05-Aug-09 - 02:44 PM
Thread Name: Us and Them: folk music and political persuasion
Subject: RE: Us and Them: folk music and political persuasion
guest TJ, about battlefield promotions and rank, WWII pilots from the "right background" were pilot officers the "wrong sort" were seargent pilots. Anyway, this has been discussed in a way before, it's about empathy, can anyone sing a song about a life of begging when they have never been a beggar themselves, so if, by and large, republicans are richer maybe they don't feel inclined to associate with the views expressed in a lot of the songs in the folk genre, like exploitation, anti war, anti establishment, poaching, tresspassing and romanticising the fellons.