The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #122382 Message #2694338
Posted By: Steve Gardham
05-Aug-09 - 04:09 PM
Thread Name: Folklore: White Pater Noster
Subject: RE: Folklore: White Pater Noster
meself, Looks like a cross with 'Diddle diddle dumpling, my son John, went to bed with his trousers on etc...
me old mate John Gall's mam used to recite 'Matthew, Mark, Luke and john, Ho'd the cuddy while I jump on.' (donkey)
It occurs in its proper form in several collections. Chambers popular Rhymes of Scotland has 'Matthew, Mark, Luke and John Bless the bed that I lie on, Four corners to my bed, Four angels at my head, One to watch, and one to pray, And two to bear my soul away.'